Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Nutrition Information Calories and other nutrition information for Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Cereal from Cheerios
Calories and other nutrition information for Cheerios Apple Cinnamon from General Mills Calories and other nutrition information for Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Cereal from General Mills
Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Nutrition Information
Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Nutrition Information
Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Nutrition Information Besto Blog
Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Nutrition Information Besto Blog
Cereal General Mills Cheerios Apple Cinnamon contains 154 calories per 40 g serving This serving contains 2 4 g of fat 3 3 g of protein and 32 g of carbohydrate The latter is 14 g sugar and 2 9 g of dietary fiber the rest is complex carbohydrate A pie chart showing the macro nutrient components for General Mills Apple Cinnamon Cheerios This food consists of 2 4 water 8 6 protein 82 7 carbs 6 3 fat and 0 alcohol
Nutrient Density Score for APPLE CINNAMON CHEERIOS is 22 100 low The Nutrient Density Score tells you how much of the essential minerals vitamins amino acids and fatty acids you get per calorie It helps you get the nutrients you need without consuming excess energy Personalized health review for Cheerios Cheerios Apple Cinnamon 150 calories nutrition grade C plus problematic ingredients and more Learn the good bad for 250 000 products
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Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Nutrition Label Nutrition Ftempo
Personalized health review for General Mills Cheerios Apple Cinnamon 120 calories nutrition grade C plus problematic ingredients and more Learn the good bad for 250 000 products There are 140 calories in 1 cup 37 g of General Mills Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Calorie breakdown 12 fat 80 carbs 8 protein
cup of cheerios apple cinnamon General Mills contains 110 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 80 carbs 12 fat and 7 protein This is a good source of iron 56 of your Daily Value and vitamin a 17 of your Daily Value cup of apple cinnamon cheerios cereal Cheerios contains 120 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 82 carbs 11 fat and 7 protein This is a good source of iron 68 of your Daily Value Amount Unit
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Calories and other nutrition information for Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Cereal from Cheerios › general-mills › cheerios-apple-cinnamon
Calories and other nutrition information for Cheerios Apple Cinnamon from General Mills

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Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Cereal Choose The Fresh One
Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Nutrition Information - Calories in cup 40 g 155 cal Rich in vitamins and minerals 34 cal a good source of Vitamin B12 Vitamin B6 Zinc Iron Selenium Vitamin C Vitamin A Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus and Copper