Bento Cafe Nutrition Information

Bento Cafe Nutrition Information Calories from fat total fat g saturated fat g trans fat g cholesterol mg sodium mg total carbohydrate g dietary fiber g sugars g protein g wheat egg milk tree nut soy shellfis h sesam e fish THE COBBLER 300 125 14 9 0 46 178 38 1 27 5 x 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 FRUIT GRANOLA 253 40 5 4 5 3 0 0 65 46 4 45 1 x 0 0 x 0 0 0 0

All nutrition information is based on an individual portion of each ingredient All stir fries are made with a small amount of garlic oil made with Canola oil Customization of your order may impact the accuracy and or completeness of the available nutritional information Calories Fat g Saturated Fat g rans Fat g ol mg Sodium mg Carbohydrate g Dietary Fiber g Sugar g Added Sugar g otein g eggie Friendly Milk Egg Fish Shellfish ee Nuts Wheat Gluten Peanuts Soybeans Kids Menu Kids Menu Base Box w White Rice 250 7 1 0 0 310 40 1 3 1 4 Box w Lo Mein Noodles 230 10 2 0 0 460 31 2 4 2 2

Bento Cafe Nutrition Information


Bento Cafe Nutrition Information


Order BENTO CAFE SUSHI AND ROLL Woodbridge VA Menu Delivery Menu Prices Woodbridge,width=1200,height=672,format=auto/


Bento Cafe Cafe For Every Age Group

All nutrition information is based on an individual portion of each ingredient All stir fries are made with a small amount of garlic oil made with Canola oil Customization of your order may impact the accuracy and or completeness of the available nutritional information The Daily Value DV tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet 2000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice Data not available Add to food log Nutritionix App

items include one topping of your choice jasmine green tea black tea sm 2 85 lg 3 85 h 3 35 jasmine green black milk tea sm 3 lg 4 h 3 50 fresh tea pudding milk tea sm 3 25 lg 4 25 h 3 75 coffee milk tea sm 3 25 lg 4 25 h 3 75 chocolate milk tea sm 3 25 lg 4 25 h 3 75 mint green milk tea sm 3 25 lg 4 25 h 3 75 honey milk tea The Daily Value DV tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet 2000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice

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Bento Cafe Bulleen Plaza


Menu At Bento Caf Restaurant Fishers


Menu At Bento Caf Restaurant Fishers

Calories Fat g Saturated Fat g rans Fat g ol mg Sodium mg Carbohydrate g Dietary Fiber g Sugar g Added Sugar g otein g eggie Friendly Milk Egg Fish Shellfish ee Nuts Wheat Gluten Peanuts Soybeans Wok Entr es Base Includes all items except proteins flavors Bento Box w White Rice 590 31 16 0 0 1 060 77 5 16 1 10 Sauced spicy wok fired we ve got food for every mood Your one stop shop for Asian eats made fresh fast and always easy Scroll down if you re hungry Hot off the wok or grill Served over rice noodles or in a bento box Fresh fast made to order That s how we roll Give em what they really want Spreading the love has never been easier

Up to date Bento Cafe menu and prices including breakfast dinner kid s meal and more Find your favorite food and enjoy your meal 1 Serving of tempeh yumm bento Cafe Yumm contains 1090 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 37 carbs 47 fat and 16 protein This is a good source of protein 77 of your Daily Value and fiber 61 of your Daily Value Amount Unit


Menu At Bento Caf Restaurant Fishers


Foody Bento Cafe Foodgowhere

Calories from fat total fat g saturated fat g trans fat g cholesterol mg sodium mg total carbohydrate g dietary fiber g sugars g protein g wheat egg milk tree nut soy shellfis h sesam e fish THE COBBLER 300 125 14 9 0 46 178 38 1 27 5 x 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 FRUIT GRANOLA 253 40 5 4 5 3 0 0 65 46 4 45 1 x 0 0 x 0 0 0 0

Order BENTO CAFE SUSHI AND ROLL Woodbridge VA Menu Delivery Menu Prices Woodbridge
All nutrition information is based on an individual portion of each ingredient All stir fries are made with a small amount of garlic oil made with Canola oil Customization of your order may impact the accuracy and or completeness of the available nutritional information


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Menu At Bento Caf Restaurant Fishers


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Bento Cafe Nutrition Information - Snacks salads toast 246 15 244 3 0 16 567 1 22 0 411 278 8 25 4 14 3 asian c arrot noodles asian peanut noodles curried chickpea curried brussel sprouts quinoa fried rice