Boloco Nutrition Information Browse all the foods and products from Boloco and get their nutritional information
There are 580 calories in 1 order Boloco Classic Mexican Original Bowl click to get full nutrition facts and other serving sizes Find out Boloco Menu Nutrition information calculate the calories in your Boloco Menu Get Full Nutrition Data for the most popular meals in Boloco menu with RecipeOfHealth
Boloco Nutrition Information
Boloco Nutrition Information
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There are 580 calories in 1 order of Boloco Classic Mexican Original Bowl You d need to walk 161 minutes to burn 580 calories Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes High in sodium and saturated fats Good source of fiber and protein View calories net carbs sugars sodium protein total carbohydrates fats and more
Find calorie and nutrition information for Boloco foods including popular items and new products Boloco Menu Nutrition Facts Chart Look below to get the up to date nutrition facts for all dishes from Boloco
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Find out complete Boloco nutrition facts including calories fat sugars protein carbs and more Eat wisely stay healthy Find out Boloco Classic Mexican Burrito nutrition facts including calories fat sugars protein carbs and more Eat wisely stay healthy
Find out how many calories are in Boloco CalorieKing provides nutritional food information for calorie counters and people trying to lose weight Calories in Boloco based on the calories fat protein carbs and other nutrition information submitted for Boloco
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Browse all the foods and products from Boloco and get their nutritional information › boloco-menu-nutrition
There are 580 calories in 1 order Boloco Classic Mexican Original Bowl click to get full nutrition facts and other serving sizes

15 Boloco Nutrition Facts Facts

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Boloco Nutrition Information - Boloco Menu Nutrition Facts Chart Look below to get the up to date nutrition facts for all dishes from Boloco