Butterfish Restaurant Nutrition Information

Butterfish Restaurant Nutrition Information Fish raw butterfish contains 47 calories per 32 g serving This serving contains 2 6 g of fat 5 5 g of protein and 0 g of carbohydrate The latter is g sugar and 0 g of dietary fiber the rest is complex carbohydrate

Butterfish nutrition 100 grams Richest in Potassium 481mg 14 of DV Phosphorus 308mg 44 of DV Calories 187 Net carbs 0 Protein 22 15 Source USDA View Butterfish calories list of vitamins and minerals as well as amino acid breakdown and lipid profiles Learn everything there is about Butterfish with FoodFact info

Butterfish Restaurant Nutrition Information


Butterfish Restaurant Nutrition Information


Menu At Butterfish Restaurant And Cafe Russell


Menu At Butterfish Restaurant And Cafe Russell

There are 47 calories in 1 fillet of Butterfish Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Butterfish including 3 oz and 100 g Nutrition Facts for Fish butterfish raw View calories protein carbs fats vitamins minerals and more

Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Butterfish and other related foods Micronutrients in butterfish as of Recommended Daily Intake per serving Here are the top ten popular foods that provide more of the nutrients that butterfish is lacking Nutrient Density Score for butterfish is 26 100 low

More picture related to Butterfish Restaurant Nutrition Information


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Fish Butterfish Raw BodBot


Butterfish Vs Cod In Depth Nutrition Comparison

3 oz of butterfish Fish cooked dry heat contains 159 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 0 carbs 51 fat and 49 protein This is a good source of protein 34 of your Daily Butterfish calories and nutrition facts Energy protein carbs fats vitamins minerals fats aminoacids and other data Butterfish nutritional benefits

3 oz of butterfish Fish raw contains 124 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 0 carbs 51 fat and 49 protein This is a good source of protein 26 of your Daily Value 100 grams of Butterfish Fish contain 146 calories the 7 of your total daily needs 100 grams of Butterfish Fish contain no carbohydrates is fiber free 17 28 grams of protein 89 milligrams of sodium and 74 13 grams of water


Menu At Butterfish Restaurant Omaha


Menu At Butterfish Restaurant And Cafe Russell

Menu At Butterfish Restaurant And Cafe Russell
Fish Raw Butterfish Nutrition Facts And Analysis

https://www.nutritionvalue.org › Fish,_raw...
Fish raw butterfish contains 47 calories per 32 g serving This serving contains 2 6 g of fat 5 5 g of protein and 0 g of carbohydrate The latter is g sugar and 0 g of dietary fiber the rest is complex carbohydrate

Menu At Butterfish Restaurant And Cafe Russell
Butterfish Nutrition Calories Carbs GI Protein Fiber Fats

https://foodstruct.com › food › butterfish
Butterfish nutrition 100 grams Richest in Potassium 481mg 14 of DV Phosphorus 308mg 44 of DV Calories 187 Net carbs 0 Protein 22 15 Source USDA


Menu At Butterfish Restaurant And Cafe Russell


Menu At Butterfish Restaurant Omaha


Menu At Butterfish Restaurant Omaha


Menu At Butterfish Restaurant Omaha


Menu At Butterfish Restaurant Omaha


Menu At Butterfish Restaurant Omaha


Menu At Butterfish Restaurant Omaha


Menu At Butterfish Restaurant Omaha


Butterfish Raw Nutrition


Butterfish Raw Nutrition

Butterfish Restaurant Nutrition Information - Calories carbohydrates protein and fat of Butterfish raw can be viewed here in the calorie table and nutrition table