Durian Nutrition Information Durian contains nutrients and plant compounds that may offer several health benefits including for cancer heart health infections and blood sugar control
The table below shows the nutritional contents of durian with the daily value DV based on the average healthy and active adult Typically consuming a 2 000 calorie diet Serving size per 100g Source USDA FDA Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Durian and other related foods
Durian Nutrition Information
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Durian Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits
Though durian has a bit of a reputation in some places it is actually a nutritional powerhouse The fruit is high in potassium phosphorus calcium and magnesium It is also loaded with vitamins including B2 B6 C and E as well as proteins and dietary fiber 1 cup chopped or diced of durian Raw or frozen contains 357 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 67 carbs 30 fat and 4 protein This is a good source of fiber 33 of your Daily Value potassium 23 of your Daily Value and vitamin b6 59 of your Daily Value
A donut chart showing which nutrients contribute to the caloric total There are 357 calories in Durian coming from 4 protein 66 carbs 30 fat and 0 alcohol Durian much like other tropical fruits such as Banana avocado and jackfruit boasts high energy mineral and vitamin content With 147 calories per 100 grams of fresh fruit it provides a substantial nutritional boost
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Durian raw or frozen contains 357 calories per 243 g serving This serving contains 13 g of fat 3 6 g of protein and 66 g of carbohydrate The latter is g sugar and 9 2 g of dietary fiber the rest is complex carbohydrate Jackfruit raw nutrition facts The durian is the fruit of several tree species belonging to the genus Durio Durio zibethinus There are 30 recognised Durio species at least nine of which produce edible fruit and over 300 named varieties in Thailand and 100 in Malaysia 1
Durian is a nutritious fruit that contains several vitamins minerals and antioxidants It is also known for its unique smell and taste Here are the top 10 health benefits of durian 1 Promotes Digestive Health Durian is an excellent source of fiber which is essential for promoting digestive health In brief durian has vitamin C 19 70 mg 22 DV thiamin 0 37 mg 31 DV manganese 0 33 mg 14 DV Durian Durio zibethinus is the edible fruit in the Malvaceae plant family which includes the cacao tree Durian trees are widely grown throughout the Southeast Asian region
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Durian contains nutrients and plant compounds that may offer several health benefits including for cancer heart health infections and blood sugar control

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The table below shows the nutritional contents of durian with the daily value DV based on the average healthy and active adult Typically consuming a 2 000 calorie diet Serving size per 100g Source USDA FDA

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Durian Nutrition Information - Durian much like other tropical fruits such as Banana avocado and jackfruit boasts high energy mineral and vitamin content With 147 calories per 100 grams of fresh fruit it provides a substantial nutritional boost