Eddoes Nutrition Information Eddoes contain small amounts of several vitamins and minerals A 1 cup serving has 8 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C 4 percent of calcium 2 percent of vitamin A and 3 percent of iron
Nutrient Rich Profile Eddoes boast an impressive nutritional profile offering a wide array of essential nutrients b Heart Health Eddoes can help maintain healthy blood pressure levels potentially reducing the risk of heart disease thanks to their potassium content Malanga is a corm vegetable with many health benefits High in calories and carbohydrates its nutritional value makes it a good food choice for athletes
Eddoes Nutrition Information
Eddoes Nutrition Information
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Eddoes often overshadowed by their cousin taro pack a punch in both nutrition and versatility These small starchy tubers are rich in fiber vitamins and minerals making them a healthy addition to any diet 1 cup of eddo or taro Brooks Tropicals contains 110 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 93 carbs 0 fat and 7 protein This is a good source of fiber 14 of your Daily Value
As one of the world s oldest cultivated plants taro sometimes goes by different names including arbi dasheen and eddoe Different varieties can be used interchangeably and bring the same Resembling a striped hairy potato Eddo is a versatile ingredient used in both savory and sweet dishes Good source of Fiber 14 which helps support heart health Good source of Potassium 15 which helps maintain a healthy blood pressure Excellent source of Vitamin B6 20 which supports energy metabolism
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There are 121 calories in serving of Eddoes Loose from Fat 0 2g Get full nutrition facts Eddoe roots nutritional facts Calories 120 per cup Carbohydrates 29 grams Fiber 5 grams Protein 1 gram High in potassium vitamin C and iron Why Choose Eddoe for Your Inventory Versatility Eddoe s firmer texture makes it suitable for a variety of dishes from soups and stews to fries and bakes
Apart from their sweet vanilla floral and potato y taste taro is a good source of nutrients vitamins and minerals Consuming 104 gram of taro offers 0 294 mg of Vitamin B6 27 52 g of Carbohydrate 0 179 mg of Copper 0 398 mg of Manganese 2 48 mg of Vitamin E and 615 mg of Potassium Eddo contains small amounts of calcium iron and sodium Iron helps to keep your red blood cells healthy Calcium gives you strong teeth and bones Sodium helps to regulate your body s fluids They are all lower than 5 percent of your daily recommended amount
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Eddoes contain small amounts of several vitamins and minerals A 1 cup serving has 8 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C 4 percent of calcium 2 percent of vitamin A and 3 percent of iron
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Nutrient Rich Profile Eddoes boast an impressive nutritional profile offering a wide array of essential nutrients b Heart Health Eddoes can help maintain healthy blood pressure levels potentially reducing the risk of heart disease thanks to their potassium content

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Eddoes Nutrition Information - Eddoes often overshadowed by their cousin taro pack a punch in both nutrition and versatility These small starchy tubers are rich in fiber vitamins and minerals making them a healthy addition to any diet