Elk Burger Nutrition Information 1 burger of elk burgers Gibiers Canabec contains 240 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 0 carbs 47 fat and 53 protein This is a good source of protein 54 of your Daily Value potassium 10 of your Daily Value and iron 50 of your Daily Value For 1
Full nutritional breakdown of the calories in elk burgers based on the calories and nutrition in each ingredient including Elk Meat Egg fresh whole raw Onions raw Mushrooms fresh and the other ingredients in this recipe 1 Serving of elk burger Fuddruckers contains 600 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 33 carbs 29 fat and 38 protein This is a good source of protein 100 of your Daily Value and fiber 14 of your Daily Value Amount Unit
Elk Burger Nutrition Information
Elk Burger Nutrition Information
Elk Burger Fuddruckers
Elk Burger ElkUSA
1 serving of elk burger contains 94 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 0 carbs 12 fat and 88 protein This is a good source of protein 35 of your Daily Value and zinc 19 of your Daily Value Fuddruckers undertakes to provide nutritional information that is as complete and accurate as possible The nutrition information is based on standard software published resources information from our suppliers our standard recipes and serving styles
There are 132 calories in 4 oz of Elk Burger from Carbs 0g Fat 3g Protein 25g Get full nutrition facts There are 180 calories in serving of Elk Burgers by Hillsfoods from Fat 10g Protein 22g Get full nutrition facts for your favorite foods and brands
More picture related to Elk Burger Nutrition Information
Elk Burger Recipe Best Juicy Elk Burgers Summer Yule Nutrition And Recipes
Elk Burger Recipe Best Juicy Elk Burgers Summer Yule Nutrition And Recipes
Elk Burger Recipe Best Juicy Elk Burgers Summer Yule Nutrition And Recipes
Calories and other nutrition information for Elk Burger Patty 1 patty from Nutritionix Farm Raised Elk Venison USDA inspected no growth hormones no growth promoting antibiotics no animal by products Elk steaks medallions roasts more
According to Yelp four of the nine most popular dishes there are burgers the elk burger quinoa burger pub burger and bison burger Mr Bento Burger in Hillsboro made No 42 on the list And 1 burger of elk burger contains 214 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 4 carbs 41 fat and 56 protein This is a good source of protein 52 of your Daily Value
Elk Burger Recipe Best Juicy Elk Burgers Summer Yule Nutrition And Recipes
Elk Burger Recipe Best Juicy Elk Burgers Summer Yule Nutrition And Recipes

https://www.eatthismuch.com › calories
1 burger of elk burgers Gibiers Canabec contains 240 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 0 carbs 47 fat and 53 protein This is a good source of protein 54 of your Daily Value potassium 10 of your Daily Value and iron 50 of your Daily Value For 1

https://recipes.sparkpeople.com › recipe-calories.asp
Full nutritional breakdown of the calories in elk burgers based on the calories and nutrition in each ingredient including Elk Meat Egg fresh whole raw Onions raw Mushrooms fresh and the other ingredients in this recipe

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Elk Burger Nutrition Information - There are 132 calories in 4 oz of Elk Burger from Carbs 0g Fat 3g Protein 25g Get full nutrition facts