Garlic Naan Nutrition Information

Garlic Naan Nutrition Information Naan contains about 260 calories per piece Naan contains carbohydrates which provide the body with energy It also contains protein some healthy fat and iron Store bought brands and homemade versions made with whole grains may contain additional benefits such as fiber and probiotics

1 piece of garlic naan Ashoka contains 380 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 65 carbs 24 fat and 11 protein This is a good source of protein 18 of your Daily Value iron 45 of your Daily Value and vitamin a 25 of your Daily Value Generate your perfect meal plan in 2 clicks with our Automatic Meal Planner 1 piece of garlic naan Wegman s contains 380 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 63 carbs 24 fat and 13 protein This is a good source of protein 21 of your Daily Value

Garlic Naan Nutrition Information


Garlic Naan Nutrition Information


Garlic Naan Kaiser Foodline


Garlic Naan Indian Bread Nutrition Facts Eat This Much

There are 250 calories in 1 piece 85 g of Trader Joe s Garlic Naan Calorie breakdown 13 fat 76 carbs 11 protein Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet INGREDIENTS Wheat flour water milk garlic sunflower oil sugar coriander leaves salt dextrose carrot fiber sodium bicarbonate yeast and spices

There are 385 calories in serving of Garlic Naan from Carbs 65g Fat 20g Protein 12g Get full nutrition facts Calories and other nutrition information for garlic naan from Specially Selected

More picture related to Garlic Naan Nutrition Information


Garlic Naan Chilis Bistro Tandoor


Garlic Naan


Garlic Naan 240 G Packet GOELD Frozen Foods

A typical serving 1 serving 150 grams of Butter Garlic Naan contains approximately 300 calories You can check the exact calorie content by logging Butter Garlic Naan in the Nutribit app where you can adjust the quantity to match your portion and view precise nutritional details naan of garlic naan Wegmans contains 190 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 63 carbs 24 fat and 13 protein This has a relatively high calorie density with 302 Calories per 100g

View calories net carbs sugars sodium protein total carbohydrates fats vitamins minerals and more 130 Calories A donut chart showing which nutrients contribute to the caloric total There are 130 calories in Marketside GARLIC NAAN coming from 10 protein 62 carbs 28 fat and 0 alcohol


Garlic Naan


Garlic Naan

Garlic Naan Desikitchen
Naan Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits Verywell Fit
Naan contains about 260 calories per piece Naan contains carbohydrates which provide the body with energy It also contains protein some healthy fat and iron Store bought brands and homemade versions made with whole grains may contain additional benefits such as fiber and probiotics

Garlic Naan Kaiser Foodline
Garlic Naan Nutrition Facts Eat This Much › calories
1 piece of garlic naan Ashoka contains 380 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 65 carbs 24 fat and 11 protein This is a good source of protein 18 of your Daily Value iron 45 of your Daily Value and vitamin a 25 of your Daily Value Generate your perfect meal plan in 2 clicks with our Automatic Meal Planner


Garlic Naan Recipe


Garlic Naan


Haldirams Tandoori Garlic Naan Indian Grocery Store Bombay Spiceland Delivery Pickup


Garlic Butter Naan


Garlic Naan Deli Bite Catering


VKK FOODS PVT LTD The Epitome For Tradition Trust And Taste


VKK FOODS PVT LTD The Epitome For Tradition Trust And Taste


The Best Easy Garlic Naan Bread Salted Mint


Garlic Naan Shana Foods Canada


Garlic Naan Recipe Restaurant Type Garlic Naan Bread Thechinthawngpang

Garlic Naan Nutrition Information - 3 oz of garlic naan Noor contains 220 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 75 carbs 12 fat and 13 protein This has a relatively high calorie density with 259 Calories per 100g Amount Unit