Hot Sour Soup Nutrition Information There are 163 calories in 1 cup of Hot and Sour Soup Calorie breakdown 47 fat 13 carbs 40 protein
Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Hot And Sour Soup and other related foods In short hot and sour soup is a low calorie food consisting of 91 water and 9 nutrients One hundred grams of the soup contains 4 35g of carbs 2 58g of proteins and 1 21g of fats The soup contains some levels or all minerals and vitamins each of them covering less than 15 of the daily need
Hot Sour Soup Nutrition Information
Hot Sour Soup Nutrition Information
Hot Sour Soup Oruspoon Ore Kalakkal
Chinese Hot And Sour Soup V For Veggy
100g of hot and sour soup contain about 39 calories kcal To illustrate a standard serving size 1 cup of hot and sour soup 233 g contain about 91 calories This is about 5 of the daily caloric intake for an average adult with medium weight and activity level assuming a Nutrition Facts for Hot and sour soup View calories protein carbs fats vitamins minerals and more
There are 163 calories in 1 cup of Hot and Sour Soup Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Hot and Sour Soup including 1 oz and 100 g There are 67 calories in 100 grams of Hot and Sour Soup Calorie breakdown 47 fat 13 carbs 40 protein
More picture related to Hot Sour Soup Nutrition Information
Hot Sour Soup
Hot And Sour Soup Nutrition Facts
Hot And Sour Soup Calories And Nutrition Facts One Hot And Sour Soup 91 Calories
1 cup of hot and sour soup Chinese restaurant contains 91 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 45 carbs 28 fat and 27 protein This has a relatively low calorie density with 39 Calories per 100g Amount Unit 1 Serving of hot and sour soup Cup Pei Wei contains 70 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 36 carbs 34 fat and 30 protein This has a relatively low calorie density with 70 Calories per 100g Generate your perfect meal plan in
22 ounces of hot and sour soup Kikka contains 170 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 51 carbs 31 fat and 18 protein This is a good source of protein 14 of your Daily Value fiber 21 of your Daily Value and potassium 7 of your Daily Value Amount Unit In short hot and sour soup is a low calorie food consisting of 91 water and 9 nutrients One hundred grams of the soup contains 4 35g of carbs 2 58g of proteins and 1 21g of fats The soup contains some levels or all minerals and vitamins each of them covering less than 15 of the daily need
Hot And Sour Soup Nutrition Facts
Hot And Sour Soup It s My Dish › ... › hot-and-sour-soup
There are 163 calories in 1 cup of Hot and Sour Soup Calorie breakdown 47 fat 13 carbs 40 protein › food › hot-and-sour-soup
Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Hot And Sour Soup and other related foods

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Hot And Sour Soup Nutrition Facts

Lexi s Clean Kitchen Easy Vegetarian Hot And Sour Soup

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Hot And Sour Soup Nutrition Facts Lifestyle Foodies

Hot And Sour Soup Nutrition Facts Lifestyle Foodies

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Natural Hot Sour Soup C4 Nutra India s 1st Longevity Store
Hot Sour Soup Nutrition Information - 100g of hot and sour soup contain about 39 calories kcal To illustrate a standard serving size 1 cup of hot and sour soup 233 g contain about 91 calories This is about 5 of the daily caloric intake for an average adult with medium weight and activity level assuming a