Jamun Nutrition Information 100 grams of Jamun contain just 62 calories 18 mg of vitamin C 15 mg of calcium 15 mg of phosphorus 26 5 mg of sodium 55 gm of potassium 5 mg of magnesium and low levels of thiamine riboflavin carotene folic acid fiber and fat
Jamun boasts a rich chemical composition It contains anthocyanins which lend its distinctive purple colour and antioxidant properties Additionally Jamun contains essential nutrients like vitamins A and C minerals iron and potassium and dietary fibre Jamun is hugely beneficial to keep heart disease at bay as it is high in potassium 100g of Jamun contains about 55 mg of potassium Eating Jamun may prevent the hardening of arteries high blood pressure stroke and heart disease
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Black plum is a substantial summer fruit which is related with various health benefits It provides relief from stomach pain and acts as anti scorbutic carminative and diuretic The polyphenolic compounds found in Black plum are helpful for heart diseases cancer asthma diabetes and arthritis One serving of fresh jamun which is approximately 100g contains the following nutrients In terms of macronutrients jamun is a low calorie low fat and low protein fruit It is however a good source of dietary fiber and carbohydrates providing about 11g and 1g
Some of these benefits are as follows A 100 gm of raw java plum contains the following nutrients 1 Good for heart health The potassium content in the fruit helps to ward off heart related diseases such as stroke high blood pressure and Jamun is one of the healthiest and most nutritious fruits you can add to your diet The fruit contains several nutrients such as flavonoids phosphorus calcium antioxidants and more Jamun benefits range from allopathic treatment to Ayurveda There are two types of jamun white flesh and purple flesh
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Jamun Its Benefits to Your Health All the necessary nutrients may be found in Jamun Despite its high sugar content both fructose and glucose this fruit is relatively low in calories The magnesium iron potassium vitamin C protein and carbs are all high quality Jamun fruit has been prized for its health benefits for centuries especially in traditional Ayurvedic medicine The following are some important health benefits associated with consuming Jamun fruit Antidiabetic Properties Jamun is known for its role in regulating blood sugar levels It has a low glycemic index and the compounds in Jamun are
Jamun is an excellent source of nutrients and has many health benefits Though it packs fructose and glucose it is still low in calories It contains high amounts of iron potassium proteins vitamin C carbohydrates and magnesium Jamun is perfect for healthy snacking due to its nutritional properties and has low calories 100 grams of the fruit has around 62 calories 14 gm of carbohydrate 0 9 gm fiber 0 7 gm protein 0 3 gm fat 15mg of calcium 15 mg of phosphorus 1 2 mg of iron 18 mg of vitamin C and small amounts of vitamin B The fruits are rich in glucose fructose mallic acid and anthocyanin and the seeds are rich in flavonoids
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100 grams of Jamun contain just 62 calories 18 mg of vitamin C 15 mg of calcium 15 mg of phosphorus 26 5 mg of sodium 55 gm of potassium 5 mg of magnesium and low levels of thiamine riboflavin carotene folic acid fiber and fat

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Jamun boasts a rich chemical composition It contains anthocyanins which lend its distinctive purple colour and antioxidant properties Additionally Jamun contains essential nutrients like vitamins A and C minerals iron and potassium and dietary fibre


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Jamun Nutrition Information - Black plum is a substantial summer fruit which is related with various health benefits It provides relief from stomach pain and acts as anti scorbutic carminative and diuretic The polyphenolic compounds found in Black plum are helpful for heart diseases cancer asthma diabetes and arthritis