Kirkland Chicken Tortilla Soup Nutrition Information Calories and other nutrition information for Chicken Tortilla Soup from Kirkland Signature
There are 130 calories in 1 cup 245 g of Kirkland Signature Chicken Tortilla Soup Calorie breakdown 26 fat 38 carbs 35 protein In 2019 one cup of the Costco Kirkland Signature Tortilla Chicken Soup contained 120 calories three grams of fat and nine grams of protein 615 milligrams of sodium and seven grams of sugar
Kirkland Chicken Tortilla Soup Nutrition Information
Kirkland Chicken Tortilla Soup Nutrition Information
Kirkland Signature Chicken Tortilla Soup 250 Ml Nutrition Information Innit
Kirkland Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe Setkab
The calories and nutritional information for a single serving are Calories 120 Fat 3 5g 4 DV Cholesterol 30mg 10 DV Sodium 780mg 34 DV Carbohydrates 13g 5 DV Protein 11g This soup is labeled as Gluten Free Taste Test The soup has all of the flavors you would expect from a chicken tortilla soup Personalized health review for Kirkland Signature Soup Chicken Tortilla 120 calories nutrition grade C plus problematic ingredients and more Learn the good bad for 250 000 products
There are 130 calories in 1 cup 240 g of Kirkland Signature Chicken Tortilla Soup Especial Calorie breakdown 21 fat 44 carbs 35 protein 1 cup of chicken tortilla soup Kirkland Signature contains 130 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 34 carbs 35 fat and 31 protein This is a good source of protein 18 of your Daily Value Amount Unit
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Chicken Tortilla Soup Nutrition Facts Eat This Much
1 cup of chicken tortilla soup Kirkland Signature contains 120 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 41 carbs 25 fat and 35 protein This is a good source of protein 20 of your Daily Value Overall the Kirkland Chicken Tortilla Soup is relatively healthy It has 120 calories per serving and 11 grams of fat Those who require low sodium foods should note the high sodium content
Personalized health review for Kirkland Signature StockPot Chicken Tortilla Soup Especial 130 calories nutrition grade C plus problematic ingredients and more Learn the good bad for 250 000 products There are 100 calories in 1 cup 250 g of Kirkland Signature Chicken Tortilla Soup Get full nutrition facts for other Kirkland Signature products and all your other favorite brands
Kirkland Chicken Tortilla Soup Food Library Shibboleth
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Calories and other nutrition information for Chicken Tortilla Soup from Kirkland Signature › ... › chicken-tortilla-soup
There are 130 calories in 1 cup 245 g of Kirkland Signature Chicken Tortilla Soup Calorie breakdown 26 fat 38 carbs 35 protein

Kirkland Signature Chicken Tortilla Soup Food Library Shibboleth

Kirkland Chicken Tortilla Soup Food Library Shibboleth

Chicken Tortilla Soup Nutrition Facts Eat This Much

12 Chicken Tortilla Soup Nutrition Facts Of This Flavorful Dish Facts

Kirkland Signature Chicken Tortilla Soup Review CostContessa

Kirkland Signature Chicken Tortilla Soup Reviews

Kirkland Signature Chicken Tortilla Soup Reviews

Warm Up Your Tastebuds Kirkland Chicken Tortilla Soup Review

Warm Up Your Tastebuds Kirkland Chicken Tortilla Soup Review

Costco Kirkland Signature Chicken Tortilla Soup Review Costcuisine
Kirkland Chicken Tortilla Soup Nutrition Information - Kirkland Chicken Tortilla Soup has a variety of nutritional information available including the number of calories carbs and sodium content The soup is made with chicken broth chicken paste dehydrated onions and other ingredients without any gluten