Pumpernickel Nutrition Information There are 65 calories in 1 slice of regular Pumpernickel Bread Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Pumpernickel Bread including 1 slice of snack size and 1 slice thin
Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Pumpernickel Bread and other related foods Pumpernickel is a brown bread that has several health benefits It is a good source of dietary fiber vitamins and minerals Pumpernickel also contains lignans which have antioxidant qualities
Pumpernickel Nutrition Information
Pumpernickel Nutrition Information
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Pumpernickel bread nutrition 100 grams Richest in Fiber 6g 26 of DV Sodium 596mg 26 of DV Glycemic Index 49 Calories 250 Net carbs 41 Protein 8 7 Source USDA There are 80 calories in 1 slice of Pumpernickel Bread Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Pumpernickel Bread including 1 slice of snack size and 1 slice thin
How Many Calories Are in Pumpernickel A typical serving 1 slice 5 x 4 x 3 8 of Pumpernickel 32 grams contains approximately 80 calories You can monitor your daily calories with Nutribit app Nutrition Facts for Pepperidge Farm Pumpernickel Bread View calories protein carbs fats vitamins minerals and more
More picture related to Pumpernickel Nutrition Information
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Rolls Pumpernickel Nutrition
Rolls Pumpernickel Nutrition
There are 250 calories in 100 grams of Pumpernickel Bread Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Pumpernickel Bread including 1 slice thin and 1 slice of regular Bagel pumpernickel contains 328 calories per 131 g serving This serving contains 2 g of fat 13 g of protein and 64 g of carbohydrate The latter is 8 g sugar and 5 4 g of dietary fiber the rest is complex carbohydrate
Pumpernickel bread nutrition 100 grams Richest in Fiber 6g 26 of DV Sodium 596mg 26 of DV Glycemic Index 49 Calories 250 Net carbs 41 Protein 8 7 Source USDA 57 grams of pumpernickel Wegmans contains 140 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 77 carbs 6 fat and 17 protein This has a moderate calorie density with 246 Calories
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There are 65 calories in 1 slice of regular Pumpernickel Bread Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Pumpernickel Bread including 1 slice of snack size and 1 slice thin

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Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Pumpernickel Bread and other related foods

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Pumpernickel Nutrition Information - Pumpernickel bread nutrition 100 grams Richest in Fiber 6g 26 of DV Sodium 596mg 26 of DV Glycemic Index 49 Calories 250 Net carbs 41 Protein 8 7 Source USDA