Similac Total Comfort Nutrition Information For term infants 0 months of age For use as a breast milk substitute in infants who are not exclusively breastfed For oral or tube feeding use Contains 2 FL oligosaccharides 100 whey protein that is partially hydrolyzed Non GMO Gluten free Kosher Halal
Similac Total Comfort formula is gentle on baby s tummy it has partially broken down protein for easy digestion and prebiotics to support digestive health It also contains our exclusive blend of ingredients to support baby s brain and eye development SIMILAC TOTAL COMFORT is a 20 Cal fl oz nutritionally complete infant formula that has partially hydrolyzed whey protein as an alternative to standard milk based formulas with intact protein For mild tolerance symptoms such as fussiness and gas due to lactose sensitivity
Similac Total Comfort Nutrition Information
Similac Total Comfort Nutrition Information
Similac Total Comfort Infant Formula 2021/HCP - ZA - 2021/Products/Total Comfort/STC 1_Table.jpg
Similac Total Comfort Vs Similac Sensitive Nylcare
SIMILAC TOTAL COMFORT Partially hydrolyzed whey protein formula For term infants 0 months of age INDICATIONS FOR USE For initial or supplemental feeding of ter m infants For oral or tube feeding use Safety precautions Not for par enteral use Not for infants or children with galactosemia FEATURES AND BENEFITS SIMILAC PRO TOTAL COMFORT is 20 Cal fl oz nutritionally complete non GMO infant formula that has partially hydrolyzed whey protein as an alternative to standard intact protein in milk based formulas
Calories and other nutrition information for Similac Total Comfort prepared as directed from Similac SIMILAC TOTAL COMFORT REG Partially hydrolyzed protein formula with 2 FL For term infants 0 months of age For use as a breast milk substitute in infants who are not exclusively breastfed For oral or tube feeding use
More picture related to Similac Total Comfort Nutrition Information
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Similac Total Comfort formula is gentle on baby s tummy it has partially brokendown protein for easy digestion and prebiotics to support digestive health It also contains our exclusive blend of ingredients to support baby s brain and eye development Similac Total Comfort a gentle easy to digest and nutritionally complete baby formula for mild tolerance symptoms such as fussiness and gas due to lactose sensitivity
Similac Pro Total Comfort is a gentle formula with 2 FL human milk oligosaccharide 2 FL HMO an immune nourishing prebiotic like that found in breast milk that supports baby s developing immune system Similac Total Comfort is an alternative to a standard cow s milk intact protein based formula It has partially broken down protein for easy digestion and features OptiGRO our exclusive blend of brain and eye nourishing nutrients for baby s development
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For term infants 0 months of age For use as a breast milk substitute in infants who are not exclusively breastfed For oral or tube feeding use Contains 2 FL oligosaccharides 100 whey protein that is partially hydrolyzed Non GMO Gluten free Kosher Halal › products › baby-formula › total...
Similac Total Comfort formula is gentle on baby s tummy it has partially broken down protein for easy digestion and prebiotics to support digestive health It also contains our exclusive blend of ingredients to support baby s brain and eye development

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Similac Total Comfort Nutrition Information - Total Comfort is formulated with partially hydrolyzed whey protein that s an alternative to standard milk based formulas with intact protein For optimal digestive health Total Comfort has prebiotics and a unique blend of two carbohydrates to maximize absorption