Stella Artois Beer Nutrition Information There are 154 calories in 1 can or bottle 12 fl oz of Stella Artois Belgium Lager Beer 5 alc You d need to walk 43 minutes to burn 154 calories Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet Calories from alcohol is an estimate and may include artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols Find out how your wellness data and product content can elevate the customer experience and convert more shoppers Get in touch with Syndigo How long would it take to burn off 140 KCal Get nutrition information for Stella Artois items and over 200 000 other foods including over 3 500 brands Track calories carbs fat sodium sugar 14 other nutrients
Stella Artois Beer Nutrition Information
Stella Artois Beer Nutrition Information
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A 12 ounce serving 330 ml of Stella Artois contains 154 calories while the same serving of Coors Banquet contains 147 calories The calories for Stella Artois come from the alcohol content 12 8 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of protein Discover the nutrition facts of Stella Artois a popular beer brand Learn about its calories carbs and other key nutritional information to make informed drinking choices
Stella Artois contains 154 calories 12 grams of carbs 1 4 grams of protein and 0 grams of fat per 12 ounce serving It also contains vitamins B1 and B3 which may promote brain function and skin health 11 fl oz of stella artois lager Stella Artois contains 141 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 100 carbs 0 fat and 0 protein Generate your perfect meal plan in 2 clicks with our Automatic Meal Planner The amount of calories carbs fat and protein values for Stella Artois Lager Stella Artois
More picture related to Stella Artois Beer Nutrition Information
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Many Tin Cans Of Stella Artois Beer Outdoors Stella Artois Is The Most Famous Belgian Beer In
Winner of the 2019 World Beer Award for World s Best International Lager Because brewing is a natural process values are approximate and might vary slightly Floral aroma balanced malt sweetness hoppy bitterness dry finish Stella Artois the iconic Belgian lager the perfect beer to pair with family and friends Calories from alcohol is an estimate and may include artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols
There are 143 calories in 11 2 fl oz of Beer 330ml from Carbs 11g Fat 0g Protein 2g Get full nutrition facts For a 330ml bottle of Stella Artois beer there are approximately 146 calories However it is important to note that different serving sizes may contain varying calorie amounts For instance a pint 568ml of Stella beer would have approximately 245 calories
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There are 154 calories in 1 can or bottle 12 fl oz of Stella Artois Belgium Lager Beer 5 alc You d need to walk 43 minutes to burn 154 calories Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes › stella-artois › lager-beer
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet Calories from alcohol is an estimate and may include artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols Find out how your wellness data and product content can elevate the customer experience and convert more shoppers Get in touch with Syndigo How long would it take to burn off 140 KCal

Stella Artois Calories And Nutrition Facts One Stella Artois 136 Calories

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Stella Artois Beer Nutrition Information - Stella has 127 calories and 8 6 grams of carbohydrates per 330ml bottle Discover which UK beer has 30 less calories and 65 fewer carbs in this article