Tuna Sandwich Nutrition Information The amount of calories carbs fat and protein values for Tuna Sandwich On Multigrain Bread With Apple And Pickle Panera Bread
Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Tuna Sandwich and other related foods 1 sandwich of tuna sandwich Foodhold USA contains 570 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 34 carbs 51 fat and 15 protein This is a good source of protein 38 of your Daily Value fiber 21 of your Daily Value and potassium 9 of your Daily Value
Tuna Sandwich Nutrition Information
Tuna Sandwich Nutrition Information
Subway Tuna Sandwich Nutrition Facts This Nutrition
6 Tuna Sandwich Nutrition Facts Eat This Much
1 Serving of tuna sandwich Yours Truly Restaurants contains 463 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 43 carbs 32 fat and 24 protein This is a good source of protein 50 of your Daily Value Using ingredients with the most calories which includes tuna in oil regular mayonnaise and whole wheat pita produces a sandwich that has 526 calories You don t need to worry about calories added from vegetables
Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Tuna Sandwich On Wheat and other related foods When it comes to the calories in a tuna sandwich the exact number can vary based on the ingredients used and the portion size However a standard tuna sandwich made with canned tuna mayonnaise and bread contains approximately 287 calories
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When considering the calories in a tuna sandwich it s important to take into account the type of bread used Whole grain bread will contain more fiber and nutrients but also more calories compared to white bread Additionally the amount of mayonnaise or other condiments added to the tuna can significantly impact the overall caloric content A donut chart showing which nutrients contribute to the caloric total There are 254 calories in Tuna Salad Sandwich coming from 25 protein 55 carbs 20 fat and 0 alcohol
The amount of calories you get from fresh cooked tuna in your sandwich will depend on the type of tuna you use A 3 ounce serving of yellowfin tuna has 118 calories while bluefin has 156 calories Tuna sandwiches are a classic lunchtime favorite offering a simple yet satisfying combo of protein and carbs 1 serving of tuna sandwich 2 slices wheat or multigrain bread with 3 oz tuna salad contains 235 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 34 carbs 26 fat and 40 protein This is a good source of protein 41 of your Daily Value potassium 7 of your Daily Value and total omega 3 1 g For 1 serving of tuna sandwich 161g
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https://www.eatthismuch.com › calories
The amount of calories carbs fat and protein values for Tuna Sandwich On Multigrain Bread With Apple And Pickle Panera Bread

https://www.nutritionix.com › food › tuna-sandwich
Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Tuna Sandwich and other related foods

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Tuna Sandwich Nutrition Information - Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Tuna Sandwich On Wheat and other related foods