Vegetable Pulao Nutrition Information INGREDIENTS Water Basmati Rice 15 Mixed Vegetable 15 Carrot Beans Frozen Green Peas Onion Sunflower Oil 2 7 Out of Which 1 8 is Spice Seasoned Oil Garlic Paste Ginger Paste Salt Lemon Juice Artificial Pulao Flavouring Substances
How Many Calories Are in Vegetable Pulao A typical serving 1 cup of Vegetable Pulao 150 grams contains approximately 220 calories You can monitor your daily calories with Nutribit app 201 calories for 1 serving of Vegetable Pulao Cholesterol 0 mg Carbohydrates 37 2g Protein 4g Fat 4g Find how much fibre iron calcium zinc magnesium phosphorus sodium potassium folic acid is present in Vegetable Pulao
Vegetable Pulao Nutrition Information
Vegetable Pulao Nutrition Information
Vegetable Pulao Caramel Tinted Life
Vegetable Pulao Recipe Cook With Parul
pack of vegetable pulao Haldiram s contains 200 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 67 carbs 27 fat and 6 protein This has a moderate calorie density with 200 Calories per 100g Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Pulao and other related foods
1 serving of vegetable pulao contains 2039 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 77 carbs 14 fat and 9 protein This is a good source of protein 79 of your Daily Value fiber 134 of your Daily Value and potassium 96 of your Daily Value Food Beverages Bakery Deli Prepared Preserved Foods Vegetable Based Products Perishable How long would it take to burn off 200 KCal Values estimated based on person weighing 140 lbs Login to personalize
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Here are the nutritional facts about a serving of vegetable pulao Protein 4g Carbohydrates 3g Fiber 3g Fat 3g Cholesterol 0 mg Health Benefits Vegetable pulao is the perfect choice for both lunch and dinner It is easy and quick to cook and contains various health benefits There are 200 calories in serving of Pulao from Carbs 34g Fat 6g Protein 3g Get full nutrition facts
There are 200 calories in 1 2 pack 100 g of Haldiram s Vegetable Pulao Calorie breakdown 27 fat 67 carbs 6 protein 294 calories for 1 serving of Kashmiri Pulao Veg Pulav with Mixed Nuts Cholesterol 0 4 mg Carbohydrates 45 8 g Protein 5 6 g Fat 9 7 g Find how much fibre iron calcium zinc magnesium phosphorus sodium potassium folic acid is present in Kashmiri Pulao Veg Pulav with Mixed Nuts
Vegetable Pulao Daily Treat IN Kitchens Of India
Vegetable Pulao Daily Treat IN Kitchens Of India › mtr › vegetable-pulao
INGREDIENTS Water Basmati Rice 15 Mixed Vegetable 15 Carrot Beans Frozen Green Peas Onion Sunflower Oil 2 7 Out of Which 1 8 is Spice Seasoned Oil Garlic Paste Ginger Paste Salt Lemon Juice Artificial Pulao Flavouring Substances › en › food
How Many Calories Are in Vegetable Pulao A typical serving 1 cup of Vegetable Pulao 150 grams contains approximately 220 calories You can monitor your daily calories with Nutribit app

Vegetable Pulao Daily Treat IN Kitchens Of India

Vegetable Pulao Daily Treat IN Kitchens Of India

Vegetable Pulao The Wannabe Cook

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Vegetable Pulao Recipe Artofit

Vegetable Pulao Exporter Supplier From Vellore
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Vegetable Pulao Nutrition Information - There are 220 calories in serving of Vegetable Pulao from Carbs 39g Fat 5g Protein 5g Get full nutrition facts