Whole Wheat Bun Nutrition A donut chart showing which nutrients contribute to the caloric total There are 140 calories in Whole wheat whole grain bun coming from 14 protein 73 carbs 13 fat and 0 alcohol
The amount of calories carbs fat and protein values for Whole Wheat Bun Elevation Burger 1 bun of 100 whole wheat buns Arnott s contains 150 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 72 carbs 12 fat and 16 protein This has a relatively high calorie density with 263
Whole Wheat Bun Nutrition
Whole Wheat Bun Nutrition
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1 slim of whole wheat bun Market Basket contains 100 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 76 carbs 9 fat and 15 protein This is a good source of fiber 18 of your Daily Value Nutrition Facts for Brownberry 100 WHOLE WHEAT BUNS 100 WHOLE WHEAT View calories protein carbs fats vitamins minerals and more
A typical serving 1 roll 56 grams of Whole Wheat Bun contains approximately 151 calories You can check the exact calorie content by logging Whole Wheat Bun in the Nutribit app where The nutrition information for a 52 gram whole wheat bun is 140 calories 2 28g fat 248mg of sodium 23 3g of carbs 3 2g of fiber and 6 45g of protein
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A Tim Hortons Whole Wheat Bun contains 280 calories 4 grams of fat and 50 grams of carbohydrates Keep reading to see the full nutrition facts and Weight Watchers points for a Nutrition information for Whole Wheat Bun Track calories carbs fat and 18 other key nutrients Start your food diary today
There are 151 calories in roll of Whole Wheat Bun from Carbs 25g Fat 2 4g Protein 7g Get full nutrition facts 1 bun of whole wheat bun Harvey s contains 150 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 70 carbs 15 fat and 16 protein This has a moderate calorie density with 231 Calories per
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A donut chart showing which nutrients contribute to the caloric total There are 140 calories in Whole wheat whole grain bun coming from 14 protein 73 carbs 13 fat and 0 alcohol

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Whole Wheat Bun Nutrition - 1 slim of whole wheat bun Market Basket contains 100 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 76 carbs 9 fat and 15 protein This is a good source of fiber 18 of your Daily Value