Agedashi Tofu Nutrition Information Nutritional Value Agedashi tofu is a good source of protein with about 6 8 grams per serving It also contains important vitamins and minerals such as calcium iron and potassium Versatility Agedashi tofu can be enjoyed on its
How Many Calories Are in Agedashi tofu A typical serving 105 59 gramm of Agedashi tofu 105 59 grams contains approximately 132 0908 calories You can monitor your daily calories with Nutribit app There are 270 calories in serving of Agedashi Tofu from Carbs 21g Fat 10g Protein 12g Get full nutrition facts
Agedashi Tofu Nutrition Information
Agedashi Tofu Nutrition Information
Agedashi Tofu Recipe,ret_img/
Agedashi Tofu With Kakejiru Classic Dishes Sybaritica
Calories in serving 1 g 930 cal Good source of proteins 7000 of DV 100g Relatively high in carbs 3367 of DV 100g This item has no fiber content 0 of DV 100g There are 132 09 calories in 1 piece with sauce 105 59 g Agedashi Tofu click to get full nutrition facts and other serving sizes
Calories in Agedashi Tofu based on the calories fat protein carbs and other nutrition information submitted for Agedashi Tofu Explore the full nutritional profile of Common Food including calories vitamins minerals proteins fats and carbohydrates Get detailed insights
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Agedashi Tofu Japanese Restaurant
Agedashi Tofu
Agedashi Tofu Kikkoman Food Services
Calories and other nutrition information for Agedashi Tofu 1 piece with sauce from Nutritionix Agedashi Tofu calories for 66g 1 8 a brick of tofu is 61Cal at 92Cal per 100g serving size rich in Molybdenum and Vitamin K Agedashi Tofu Processed Food Side Dishes is also known as Agedashi Dofu Deep fried Tofu and has a diet rating of
There are 460 calories in serving of Agedashi Tofu Get full nutrition facts Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Agedashi Tofu and other related foods
Agedashi Tofu Recipe
Agedashi Tofu Kim s Eatery Food And Recipes › food › agedashi-tofu
Nutritional Value Agedashi tofu is a good source of protein with about 6 8 grams per serving It also contains important vitamins and minerals such as calcium iron and potassium Versatility Agedashi tofu can be enjoyed on its › en › food
How Many Calories Are in Agedashi tofu A typical serving 105 59 gramm of Agedashi tofu 105 59 grams contains approximately 132 0908 calories You can monitor your daily calories with Nutribit app

Agedashi Tofu In Raku TasteAtlas Recommended Authentic Restaurants

Agedashi Tofu Recipe

Agedashi Tofu Recipe Salty Umami Sauce With Fried Tofu

Spicy Agedashi Tofu

Agedashi Tofu Japanese Deep Fried Tofu

Agedashi Tofu Japanese Deep Fried Tofu

Agedashi Tofu Japanese Deep Fried Tofu

Agedashi Tofu Japanese Deep Fried Tofu

Japanese Agedashi Tofu Veganese Tokyo

Japanese Agedashi Tofu Veganese Tokyo
Agedashi Tofu Nutrition Information - Full nutritional breakdown of the calories in Agedashi Tofu based on the calories and nutrition in each ingredient including Canola Oil Tofu extra firm Sweet Cooking Rice Wine Corn Starch Soy Sauce and the other ingredients in this recipe