Barefoot Moscato Nutrition Information Calories A 5 ounce serving of Barefoot Moscato contains approximately 127 calories making it a relatively low calorie option compared to many other alcoholic beverages Carbohydrates Barefoot Moscato is rich in carbohydrates with each serving containing around 11
The calorie content of Barefoot Moscato typically ranges around 120 to 130 calories per 5 ounce glass This relatively moderate calorie count makes it a popular choice for those who enjoy sweeter wines without consuming excessive calories INGREDIENTS Contains Grape Wine Carbonated Water Cane Sugar Natural Flavors Less than 1 Potassium Citrate Citric Acid Potassium Sorbate Sulfiting Agents Calories from alcohol is an estimate and may include artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols
Barefoot Moscato Nutrition Information
Barefoot Moscato Nutrition Information
10 Barefoot Moscato Nutrition Facts Facts
10 Barefoot Moscato Nutrition Facts Facts
Get nutrition information for Barefoot items and over 200 000 other foods including over 3 500 brands Track calories carbs fat sodium sugar 14 other nutrients A bottle of Barefoot s Pink Moscato has 750 calories while their Peach Fruitscato a fruity twist on the Moscato flavor only has 600 calories per bottle Will Moscato make you fat or gain weight As with most things Moscato can be enjoyed in moderation without much worry of causing too much weight gain
Personalized health review for Barefoot Moscato California 125 calories nutrition grade N A problematic ingredients and more Learn the good bad for 250 000 products 9 fl oz of barefoot moscato Dave Buster s contains 230 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 100 carbs 0 fat and 0 protein Amount Unit
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Barefoot Pink Moscato Champagne Nutrition Nutrition Pics
View calories alcohol by volume net carbs added sugars sodium protein total carbohydrates fats vitamins minerals and more Uncork the details on how many calories in a 750ml bottle of Barefoot Moscato Enjoy your wine with full nutritional insight
Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for Barefoot Moscato There are 120 calories in Barefoot Moscato Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet How long would it take to burn off 120 KCal Barefoot Moscato is a popular wine known for its sweet and sparkling characteristics What are Nutritionix Track app users eating from Barefoot Wine Calories and nutrition information for Barefoot Wine products Page 1
Barefoot Pink Moscato Champagne Nutrition Nutrition Pics
Barefoot Pink Moscato Champagne Nutrition Nutrition Pics › barefoot-moscato-nutrition-facts
Calories A 5 ounce serving of Barefoot Moscato contains approximately 127 calories making it a relatively low calorie option compared to many other alcoholic beverages Carbohydrates Barefoot Moscato is rich in carbohydrates with each serving containing around 11 › how-many-calories...
The calorie content of Barefoot Moscato typically ranges around 120 to 130 calories per 5 ounce glass This relatively moderate calorie count makes it a popular choice for those who enjoy sweeter wines without consuming excessive calories

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Barefoot Moscato Nutrition Information - Get nutrition information for Barefoot items and over 200 000 other foods including over 3 500 brands Track calories carbs fat sodium sugar 14 other nutrients