Chicken Doner Nutrition Information Values estimated based on person weighing 140 lbs Login to personalize
The amount of calories carbs fat and protein values for Doner Kebab Standard Small Doner Kebab From Kebab Shop Great British Takeaways 1 serving of chicken doner kebaba Moda contains 151 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 53 carbs 22 fat and 24 protein This is a good source of protein 16 of your Daily Value
Chicken Doner Nutrition Information
Chicken Doner Nutrition Information
Chicken Doner Kebab Jo Cooks
Chicken Doner Kebab Jo Cooks
A typical serving 1 Wrap 100 grams of Doner Chicken Wrap contains approximately 320 calories You can check the exact calorie content by logging Doner Chicken Wrap in the Nutribit app where you can adjust the quantity to match your portion and view precise nutritional details There are 1026 calories in serving of Original German Doner Kebab Chicken from Carbs 69g Fat 55g Protein 63g Get full nutrition facts
Want to use Doner kebab meat takeaway in a meal Find information on calories carbs sugars proteins fats salts fibre and vitamins and Check Your Food today We can answer your question of how many calories in a portion of doner kebab prepared with chicken meat with the following figure One serving of chicken doner is 335 calories How Many Calories in D r m D ner
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Chicken Doner Homemade Chicken Doner Kebab All Tastes German
Chicken Doner Homemade Chicken Doner Kebab All Tastes German
Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Doner Kebab and other related foods Learn about nutrition facts and calories in grilled chicken doner kebab Create a personal nutrition plan to get a daily calorie advice at Virtuagym
A homemade version of your favourite Chicken Doner Kebab Tastes remarkably similar to the diner kebab meat from your favourite takeout store I ve baked it but imagine it rotisserie style over the BBQ or charcoal The chicken itself contains about 200 calories while the salad is typically around 100 calories Toppings like tahini or hummus can add an additional 50 100 calories In total a chicken kebab with salad can range from 300 500 calories making
Chicken Doner Homemade Chicken Doner Kebab All Tastes German
Chicken Doner Homemade Chicken Doner Kebab All Tastes German › moda › chicken-doner-kebaba
Values estimated based on person weighing 140 lbs Login to personalize › calories
The amount of calories carbs fat and protein values for Doner Kebab Standard Small Doner Kebab From Kebab Shop Great British Takeaways

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Chicken Doner Nutrition Information - There are 1026 calories in serving of Original German Doner Kebab Chicken from Carbs 69g Fat 55g Protein 63g Get full nutrition facts