Endive Nutrition Information

Endive Nutrition Information Endive popularly known as escarole is a very low calorie green leafy vegetable Nevertheless it contains a healthy nutrition profile including soluble dietary fiber vitamins minerals and antioxidants Calories 100 g 17 Vitamin A 2167 IU 72 DV Vitamin C 6 5 mg 11 DV Potassium 314 mg 7 DV and Manganese 0 420 mg 18 DV

Endive is loaded with valuable vitamins and minerals vitamins B C and K calcium magnesium iron zinc folate and selenium Endive is a good source of beta carotene heart healthy potassium and folate Endive is high in complex fibers promotes regularity and Endive is nearly 95 percent water and is low in calories It s also high in fiber When you eat foods that are high in fiber that keeps you feeling full for longer

Endive Nutrition Information


Endive Nutrition Information


Endive Recipe Nutrition Precision Nutrition s Encyclopedia Of Food


Endive Recipe Nutrition Precision Nutrition s Encyclopedia Of Food

Endive provides essential nutrients to your diet aiding with weight loss lowering cholesterol improving digestion and preventing blood clots that can lead to heart attack or stroke The high concentration of Vitamin K and A found in endive is beneficial for Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Belgian Endive and other related foods

Endive nutrition 100 grams Richest in Vitamin A 2167IU 43 of DV Folate 142 g 36 of DV Glycemic Index 45 Calories 17 Net carbs 0 25 Protein 1 25 Source USDA Endive is low in calories with one cup serving containing only 17 calories It contains 1 3 grams of protein 3 4 grams of carbohydrates and 0 2 grams of fat It is rich in calcium magnesium vitamin A and several B vitamins It is also a good source of fiber which can improve lipid profiles

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Endive Nutrition Facts Cully s Kitchen

A donut chart showing which nutrients contribute to the caloric total There are 9 calories in Endive coming from 25 protein 65 carbs 10 fat and 0 alcohol 1 head of endive Raw contains 87 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 66 carbs 9 fat and 25 protein This is a good source of fiber 57 of your Daily Value potassium 34 of your Daily Value and calcium 27 of your Daily Value Amount Unit

A quick look at the endive nutrition profile can reveal exactly why this superstar ingredient is so great for your health Not only is it low in calories but it s also rich in fiber vitamin K vitamin A and folate A 1 2 cup serving of chopped raw endive about 25 grams contains approximately 4 3 calories 0 8 grams carbohydrates 0 3 Endive nutrition 100 grams Richest in Vitamin A 2167IU 43 of DV Folate 142 g 36 of DV Glycemic Index 45 Calories 17 Net carbs 0 25 Protein 1 25 Source USDA


Endive Nutrition Facts Cully s Kitchen


Endive Raw Nutrition

Endive Raw BodBot
Endive Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits

https://www.nutrition-and-you.com › endive.html
Endive popularly known as escarole is a very low calorie green leafy vegetable Nevertheless it contains a healthy nutrition profile including soluble dietary fiber vitamins minerals and antioxidants Calories 100 g 17 Vitamin A 2167 IU 72 DV Vitamin C 6 5 mg 11 DV Potassium 314 mg 7 DV and Manganese 0 420 mg 18 DV

Endive Recipe Nutrition Precision Nutrition s Encyclopedia Of Food
Nutrition Endive

https://endive.com › nutrition
Endive is loaded with valuable vitamins and minerals vitamins B C and K calcium magnesium iron zinc folate and selenium Endive is a good source of beta carotene heart healthy potassium and folate Endive is high in complex fibers promotes regularity and


Endive Raw Nutrition


Endive Nutrition Facts Cully s Kitchen


Endive Raw Nutrition


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Endive What Is An Endive Pictures Description


Endive What Is An Endive Pictures Description


Endive What Is An Endive Pictures Description



Endive Nutrition Information - Endive provides essential nutrients to your diet aiding with weight loss lowering cholesterol improving digestion and preventing blood clots that can lead to heart attack or stroke The high concentration of Vitamin K and A found in endive is beneficial for