Jolly Rancher Nutrition Information There are 70 calories in 1 3 pieces 0 6 oz of Jolly Rancher Hard Candy Average All Flavors You d need to walk 19 minutes to burn 70 calories Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes
Complete nutrition facts calories ingredients and Weight Watchers points for one serving of Jolly Rancher Hard Candy Original Get nutrition information for Jolly Rancher items and over 200 000 other foods including over 3 500 brands Track calories carbs fat sodium sugar 14 other nutrients
Jolly Rancher Nutrition Information
Jolly Rancher Nutrition Information
Jolly Rancher Nutrition Information Blog Dandk
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There are 23 calories in 1 piece of Jolly Rancher Hard Candy Calorie breakdown 0 fat 100 carbs 0 protein Jolly Rancher Candy Nutrition Facts Select a Jolly Rancher product below to view the full nutrition facts Weight Watchers points and ingredients Our database currently contains 64 Candy items from Jolly Rancher
Personalized health review for Jolly Rancher Hard Candy 70 calories nutrition grade C minus problematic ingredients and more Learn the good bad for 250 000 products Find calorie and nutrition information for Jolly Rancher foods including popular items and new products
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Perfect for the candy dish road trips or your office sweet treat stash Nothing beats these originals The Daily Value DV tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet 2 000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice Additional questions The Daily Value DV tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet 2000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice
There are 45 calories in 2 pieces 12 g of Jolly Rancher Original Flavors Hard Candy Calorie breakdown 0 fat 100 carbs 0 protein 3 pcs of jolly rancher Premium Gold contains 70 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 100 carbs 0 fat and 0 protein This has a relatively high calorie density with 389 Calories per 100g
Jolly Rancher Nutrition Info Besto Blog
Jolly Rancher Nutrition Sugar Besto Blog › us › en › foods › calories...
There are 70 calories in 1 3 pieces 0 6 oz of Jolly Rancher Hard Candy Average All Flavors You d need to walk 19 minutes to burn 70 calories Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes › jolly-rancher-hard-candy-original
Complete nutrition facts calories ingredients and Weight Watchers points for one serving of Jolly Rancher Hard Candy Original

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Jolly Rancher Nutrition Information - Personalized health review for Jolly Rancher Hard Candy 70 calories nutrition grade C minus problematic ingredients and more Learn the good bad for 250 000 products