Modulen Nutrition Information

Modulen Nutrition Information Modulen IBD is a nutritionally complete formula suitable for oral and tube feeding especially designed for the dietary management of Crohn s Disease in paediatric 5years and adult patients INDICATIONS

Modulen IBD was clinically proven to efficiently support management of Crohn s Disease in pediatric and adult patients Modulen IBD supports induction of remission and mucosal healing as well as a positive impact on growth and nutrition status Modulen IBD is a nutritionally complete powdered feed for the dietary management of people with Crohn s Disease It is to be used as a sole source of nutrition during the active phase and is for nutritional support during the remission phase

Modulen Nutrition Information


Modulen Nutrition Information


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MODULEN IBD is a whole protein powdered formulation for use as a sole source of nutrition during the active phase of Crohn s disease and for nutritional support during the remission phase 8 fl oz of modulen ibd Nestle contains 250 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 44 carbs 42 fat and 15 protein This is a good source of protein 16 of your Daily Value potassium 6 of your Daily Value and calcium 22 of your Daily Value

Calories and other nutrition information for Modulen IBD from Nestle Health Science Modulen IBD is a unique whole protein powdered formulation for the dietary management of the active phase of Crohn s Disease to be used as a sole source of nutrition and for nutritional support during the remission phase It is 100 casein based supplemented with optimal levels of lipids and carbohydrates with a low osmolality level for

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50 g of modulen complete nutrition IBD Nestle contains 250 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 44 carbs 42 fat and 15 protein This is a good source of protein 16 of your Daily Value potassium 6 of your Daily Value and calcium 22 of your Daily Value Modulen IBD is a nutritionally complete medical food designed for the nutrition of patients with inflammatory bowel disease Available in 400g Lactose Free

Modulen IBD is a whole protein powdered formulation for use as a sole source of nutrition during the active phase of Crohn s disease and for nutritional support during the remission phase MODULEN is a great tasting nutritionally complete powdered formula designed for people with Crohn s disease The milk protein has been specially processed to retain TGF 2 For oral and tube feeding use Approximate timing is based on current product demand and when product leaves our distribution centre


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Modulen IBD is a nutritionally complete formula suitable for oral and tube feeding especially designed for the dietary management of Crohn s Disease in paediatric 5years and adult patients INDICATIONS

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Modulen IBD was clinically proven to efficiently support management of Crohn s Disease in pediatric and adult patients Modulen IBD supports induction of remission and mucosal healing as well as a positive impact on growth and nutrition status


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Modulen Nutrition Information - Modulen IBD is a unique whole protein powdered formulation for the dietary management of the active phase of Crohn s Disease to be used as a sole source of nutrition and for nutritional support during the remission phase