Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter Nutrition Information Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platters contain between 290 480 calories depending on your choice of option The option with the fewest calories is the Ensenada Chicken Platter With 1 Breast 290 calories while the Ensenada Chicken Platter With 2 Breasts contains the most calories 480 calories
A Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter With 2 Breasts contains 480 calories 17 grams of fat and 26 grams of carbohydrates Keep reading to see the full nutrition facts and Weight Watchers points for a Ensenada Chicken Platter With 2 Calories and other nutrition information for Ensenada Chicken Platter from Red Robin
Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter Nutrition Information
Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter Nutrition Information
Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme
Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme
A Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter With 1 Breast contains 290 calories 11 grams of fat and 19 grams of carbohydrates Keep reading to see the full nutrition facts and Weight Watchers points for a Ensenada Chicken Platter With 1 Calories and other nutrition information for Ensenada Chicken Platter One Chicken Breast from Red Robin
There are 480 calories in 1 order of Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter Entree 2 breasts as served You d need to walk 134 minutes to burn 480 calories Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes Good source of fiber and protein High in sodium and cholesterol View calories net carbs sugars sodium protein total carbohydrates fats and more
More picture related to Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter Nutrition Information
Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme
Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter R ExpectationVsReality
Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme Artofit
There are 380 calories in serving of Ensenada Chicken Platter with 2 Breasts from Carbs 14g Fat 12g Protein 57g Get full nutrition facts Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter Nutrition facts calories protein fat and carbs Discover nutrition facts macros and the healthiest items
There are 390 calories in 1 serving of Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter Calorie breakdown 31 fat 12 carbs 57 protein Find out Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter 2 pc nutrition facts including calories fat sugars protein carbs and more Eat wisely stay healthy
Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter R ExpectationVsReality
Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme › red-robin › ensenada-chicken-platter
Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platters contain between 290 480 calories depending on your choice of option The option with the fewest calories is the Ensenada Chicken Platter With 1 Breast 290 calories while the Ensenada Chicken Platter With 2 Breasts contains the most calories 480 calories › red-robin › ensenada-chicken-platter
A Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter With 2 Breasts contains 480 calories 17 grams of fat and 26 grams of carbohydrates Keep reading to see the full nutrition facts and Weight Watchers points for a Ensenada Chicken Platter With 2

Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme

Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter R ExpectationVsReality

Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme

Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme

Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme

Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme Artofit

Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme Artofit

Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme Artofit

Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme

Red Robin Copycat Ensenada Chicken Platter Season Thyme
Red Robin Ensenada Chicken Platter Nutrition Information - Access to precise nutritional information helps our Guests make informed choices toward their personal dietary goals From understanding calorie counts macronutrient breakdowns or identifying allergens use our detailed nutrition facts to plan your next Red Robin meal without compromising on flavor or variety