Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights Nutrition Information Calories and other nutrition information for Candy Sugar Free Pecan Delight from Russell Stover
This is the perfect gift chocolates for someone who can t eat sugar It s hard to believe that these chewy chocolate candy treats filled with caramel and pecans are sugar free but they are The 10 ounce bag is enough to satisfy the appetite of any sugar free candy lover There are 140 calories in 2 pieces 34 g of Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights Calorie breakdown 57 fat 39 carbs 5 protein
Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights Nutrition Information
Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights Nutrition Information
Sugar Free Pecan Delights Russell Stover
Russell Stover Miniatures Pecan Delights 12 Oz Nutrition Information Innit
Calories and other nutrition information for Chocolate Candy Sugar Free Pecan Delight from Russell Stover Complete nutrition facts calories ingredients and Weight Watchers points for one serving of Russell Stover Sugar Free Chocolate Candy Pecan Delight
2 pieces of sugar free pecan delight Russell Stover contains 140 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 39 carbs 57 fat and 5 protein This has a relatively high calorie density with 412 Calories per 100g View calories net carbs added sugars sodium protein total carbohydrates fats vitamins minerals and more
More picture related to Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights Nutrition Information
Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights Shop Candy At H E B
Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights Shop Candy At H E B,1&wid=800&hei=800&fmt=jpg&qlt=85,0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=1.75,0.3,2,0
Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights Shop Candy At H E B
There are 270 calories in 2 pieces 52 g of Russell Stover Pecan Delight Calorie breakdown 51 fat 45 carbs 4 protein Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights 2 pieces contains 19g total carbs 2g net carbs 12g fat 2g protein and 160 calories
Personalized health review for Russell Stover Pecan Delights 160 calories nutrition grade D problematic ingredients and more Learn the good bad for 250 000 products RUSSELL STOVER Sugar Free Pecan Delight Chocolate Candy 10 oz is made with Stevia extract a plant based sweetener that delivers all the sweet taste you crave with no added sugar Indulge in crunchy pecans and chewy caramel covered in chocolate candy offering a guilt free treat for those moments when you need to pause and savor a little
Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights Shop Candy At H E B
Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights 3 Oz 85 G › russell-stover › candy...
Calories and other nutrition information for Candy Sugar Free Pecan Delight from Russell Stover
This is the perfect gift chocolates for someone who can t eat sugar It s hard to believe that these chewy chocolate candy treats filled with caramel and pecans are sugar free but they are The 10 ounce bag is enough to satisfy the appetite of any sugar free candy lover

Russell Stover Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights 10 Oz 2 Pack In The Snacks Candy
Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights Shop Candy At H E B
Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights Reviews 2021

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Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights Nutrition Information - Personalized health review for Russell Stover Pecan Delights Sugar Free 210 calories nutrition grade D problematic ingredients and more Learn the good bad for 250 000 products