Vessel Kitchen Nutrition Information Please click on an item for nutrition allergen information Braised Beef Sweet Potato Hash Horseradish Crema Feta Pickled Onion Thai Noodle Salad Smashed Avocado Spicy
Find calorie and nutrition information for Vessel Kitchen foods including popular items and new products Title VesselKitchen NutritionFacts Spring2023 Created Date 5 22 2023 1 29 31 PM
Vessel Kitchen Nutrition Information
Vessel Kitchen Nutrition Information
Nutrition Dietary Guidelines Vessel Kitchen
Nutrition Dietary Guidelines Vessel Kitchen
Title VesselKitchen NutritionFacts Winter2023 Created Date 3 8 2023 12 10 21 PM There are 760 calories in 1 serving of Vessel Kitchen Chicken and Grains Calorie breakdown 44 fat 22 carbs 34 protein
Portion Calories Protein Fat Fat Carbs Sugar Sugar Fiber Sodium SizeGRAMS Total Saturated Total Total AddedGRAMS MILLIGRAMS GRAMS GRAMS GRAMS GRAMS GRAMS COLD SIDES Cashew Caesar Broccoli 6 oz 113 2 11 1 3 1 0 1 210 Roasted Beet Salad 6 oz 165 4 8 1 20 14 1 6 445 Minted Cucumber Pea 6 oz 152 2 9 1 9 5 1 2 413 There are 998 calories in serving of Chicken Grains Signature Dish from Carbs 62g Fat 52g Protein 61g Get full nutrition facts
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Nutrition Dietary Guidelines Vessel Kitchen
Vessel Kitchen
There are 345 calories in 1 serving 6 oz of Vessel Kitchen Shredded Chicken Calorie breakdown 36 fat 1 carbs 63 protein There are 193 calories in 0 25 serving of Hash Signature Dish from Carbs 11g Fat 11 3g Protein 12g Get full nutrition facts
Vessel Kitchen is a restaurant built around a DIY concept select a protein select two sides and you have your very own plate Most options skew to the healthier side of things The restaurant also offers composed salads bowls and flatbread tacos too Calories and nutrition information for Vessel Kitchen products including Fats Carbs and Protein Get full nutrition facts for your favorite foods and brands
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Please click on an item for nutrition allergen information Braised Beef Sweet Potato Hash Horseradish Crema Feta Pickled Onion Thai Noodle Salad Smashed Avocado Spicy › calories-nutrition › vessel-kitchen
Find calorie and nutrition information for Vessel Kitchen foods including popular items and new products

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Vessel Kitchen Nutrition Information - There are 190 calories in 0 2 serving of Good N Plenty Signature Dish from Carbs 13g Fat 10 4g Protein 12g Get full nutrition facts