Bibimbap Nutrition Information

Bibimbap Nutrition Information Bibimbap Korean contains 130 calories per 162 g serving This serving contains 4 7 g of fat 8 9 g of protein and 14 g of carbohydrate The latter is 2 6 g sugar and 1 8 g of dietary fiber the rest is complex carbohydrate

Calorie breakdown 28 fat 56 carbs 15 protein There are 634 calories in 1 serving of Bibimbap Korean Dish Get nutrition facts for all your favorite recipes and all the foods you eat everyday Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Beef Bibimbap and other related foods

Bibimbap Nutrition Information


Bibimbap Nutrition Information


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A donut chart showing which nutrients contribute to the caloric total There are 128 calories in Bibimbap Korean coming from 28 protein 41 carbs 31 fat and 0 alcohol 431 g of beef bibimbap Hello Fresh contains 680 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 41 carbs 39 fat and 21 protein This is a good source of protein 63 of your Daily Value potassium 8 of your Daily Value and iron 87 of your Daily Value Amount Unit

100g of Bibimbap contain about 79 calories kcal To show you what does it mean a standard serving size of Bibimbap 466 g contain about 368 calories This is about 18 of the daily caloric intake for an average adult with medium weight and activity level assuming a 1 package of bibimbap Bibigo contains 350 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 70 carbs 15 fat and 15 protein This is a good source of protein 23 of your Daily Value and vitamin a 67 of your Daily Value

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Bibimbap Recipe

1 tsp of bibimbap Hoss Soss contains 15 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 23 carbs 77 fat and 0 protein This has a relatively high calorie density with 300 Calories per 100g Calories in Bibimbap based on the calories fat protein carbs and other nutrition information submitted for Bibimbap

This version of bibimbap has 232 calories per serving with 15 grams of fat 20 grams of carbohydrates and 9 grams of protein With its mix of rice vegetables and protein Bibimbap could be a good choice for people who have metabolic syndrome Bibimbap calories for 466 7g 1 serving is 593Cal at 127Cal per 100g serving size rich in Molybdenum and Vitamin K Bibimbap Rice Wheat Staple Foods is also known as Bibimbop Hoedeopbap Dolsot Bibimbap and has a diet rating of 1 5 3 for filling and 4 for nutritional value


Bibimbap B p Blend


Easy Chicken Bibimbap Recipe Is Bibimbap Healthy Fitsian Food Life

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Bibimbap Korean Nutrition Facts And Analysis Nutritional
Bibimbap Korean contains 130 calories per 162 g serving This serving contains 4 7 g of fat 8 9 g of protein and 14 g of carbohydrate The latter is 2 6 g sugar and 1 8 g of dietary fiber the rest is complex carbohydrate

Simple Bibimbap Recipe Willow Health Performance Fitness Nutrition And Strength Training
Calories In Bibimbap Korean Dish And Nutrition Facts FatSecret › Diary.aspx
Calorie breakdown 28 fat 56 carbs 15 protein There are 634 calories in 1 serving of Bibimbap Korean Dish Get nutrition facts for all your favorite recipes and all the foods you eat everyday


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Is Bibimbap Healthy Exploring The Health Benefits And Nutrition Of This Popular Korean Dish


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Bibimbap Nutrition Information - A donut chart showing which nutrients contribute to the caloric total There are 128 calories in Bibimbap Korean coming from 28 protein 41 carbs 31 fat and 0 alcohol