Moong Dal Chilla Nutrition Information

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Moong Dal Chilla Nutrition Information A typical serving 2 pcs of Moong Dal Chilla 200 grams contains approximately 250 calories You can monitor your daily calories with Nutribit app How Much Fat Is in Moong Dal Chilla

4 serving of moong dal chilla contains 248 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 41 carbs 47 fat and 13 protein This has a relatively high calorie density with 292 Calories per 100g Ingredients There are 121 calories in 1 serving of Moong Dal Chilla Calorie Breakdown 7 fat 67 carbs 26 prot

Moong Dal Chilla Nutrition Information


Moong Dal Chilla Nutrition Information


7 Vibrant Moong Dal Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits The Sculpt Fitness


7 Vibrant Moong Dal Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits The Sculpt Fitness

How many calories does one Green Moong Dal Chilla have One Green Moong Dal Chilla 50 grams gives 119 calories Out of which carbohydrates comprise 65 calories proteins account for 26 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 60 calories How many calories does one Moong Dal and Paneer Chilla have One Moong Dal and Paneer Chilla gives 194 calories Out of which carbohydrates comprise 103 calories proteins account for 51 calories and remaining calories come from fat which is 39 calories

Calories carbs fat protein fiber cholesterol and more for Moong daal chilla Want to use it in a meal plan Head to the diet generator and enter the number of calories you want Make delicious Moong Dal Chilla with split mung lentils vegetables spices and herbs These gluten free and vegan Indian style savory lentil pancakes are loaded with protein fiber and many vital nutrients Serve Moong Dal Chilla any time of the day for a quick meal with tea coffee or chutney

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Moong Dal

There are 809 calories in serving of Moong Dal Chilla from Carbs 46g Fat 54g Protein 35g Get full nutrition facts One moong dal chilla typically has between 50 and 90 calories depending on the components That s a win win for a satisfying and tasty morning Now let s look at the benefits of moong dal It enhances protein bioavailability allowing your

One medium piece 40 grams of moong dal chilla has 104 kcal It contains 52 carbohydrates 23 protein and 25 fat Moong dal cheela is a good source of potassium magnesium iron copper and B vitamins Explore the full nutritional profile of North Indian Breakfast Gluten Free including calories vitamins minerals proteins fats and carbohydrates Get detailed insights


Moong Dal


Moong Dal

Moong Dal Raghuvanshii
Moong Dal Chilla Calories amp Nutritional Facts Nutribit app › food
A typical serving 2 pcs of Moong Dal Chilla 200 grams contains approximately 250 calories You can monitor your daily calories with Nutribit app How Much Fat Is in Moong Dal Chilla

7 Vibrant Moong Dal Nutrition Facts And Health Benefits The Sculpt Fitness
Moong Dal Chilla Eat This Much › calories
4 serving of moong dal chilla contains 248 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 41 carbs 47 fat and 13 protein This has a relatively high calorie density with 292 Calories per 100g Ingredients


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Moong Dal Chilla Nutrition Information - Calories carbs fat protein fiber cholesterol and more for Moong daal chilla Want to use it in a meal plan Head to the diet generator and enter the number of calories you want