Snow Cone Nutrition Facts Snow cone contains 166 calories per 130 g serving This serving contains 0 g of fat 0 5 g of protein and 42 g of carbohydrate The latter is 42 g sugar and 0 g of dietary fiber the rest is
Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Snow Cone and other related foods A pie chart showing the macro nutrient components for Snow cone no sugar added This food consists of 94 1 water 0 protein 5 9 carbs 0 fat and 0 alcohol
Snow Cone Nutrition Facts
Snow Cone Nutrition Facts
FoodFit Compatibility Analysis Inner Fit Nutrition Amanda
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1 cone of snow cone Popsicle contains 30 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 100 carbs 0 fat and 0 protein This has a relatively low calorie density with 17 Calories per 100g 1 can of snow cone Beyond Raw contains 20 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 100 carbs 0 fat and 0 protein The amount of calories carbs fat and protein values for Snow
Snow cone contains 128 calories per 100 g serving This serving contains 0g of fat 32 6g of carbohydrate and 0 4g of protein Snow cone belong to Gelatins ices sorbets food category Nutrition Facts for Snow Cone View calories protein carbs fats vitamins minerals and more
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Snow cones consist mainly of shaved ice and flavored syrups making them a nostalgic summer treat but often high in sugars A typical snow cone can contain 150 to 300 Snow cone no sugar added contains 24 calories per 100 g serving This serving contains 0g of fat 5 92g of carbohydrate and 0g of protein Snow cone no sugar added belong to Gelatins
Nutrition Facts for Snow cone no sugar added View calories protein carbs fats vitamins minerals and more 7 fl oz of snow cone Fat Free Popsicle contains 30 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 100 carbs 0 fat and 0 protein This has a relatively low calorie density with 14 Calories
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Snow cone contains 166 calories per 130 g serving This serving contains 0 g of fat 0 5 g of protein and 42 g of carbohydrate The latter is 42 g sugar and 0 g of dietary fiber the rest is › food › snow-cone
Calories fat protein and carbohydrate values for for Snow Cone and other related foods

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Snow Cone Nutrition Facts - Calories in Snow Cone based on the calories fat protein carbs and other nutrition information submitted for Snow Cone