Cheese Ravioli Nutrition Information There are 285 calories in 1 cup of Cheese Filled Ravioli Calorie breakdown 34 fat 46 carbs 19 protein
9 pieces of cheese ravioli Kroger contains 280 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 55 carbs 28 fat and 17 protein This is a good source of protein 21 of your Daily Value and calcium 15 of your Daily Value Amount Unit Calories and other nutrition information for Cheese Ravioli 1 ravioli from Nutritionix
Cheese Ravioli Nutrition Information
Cheese Ravioli Nutrition Information
Louisa Four Cheese Ravioli 22 Oz Nutrition Information Innit
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Values estimated based on person weighing 140 lbs Login to personalize 3 raviolis of cheese ravioli Perfect Pasta contains 220 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 45 carbs 35 fat and 19 protein This is a good source of protein 20 of your Daily Value and vitamin a 13 of your Daily Value For 3 raviolis of cheese ravioli 113g
There are 27 calories in 1 piece of Cheese Filled Ravioli Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Cheese Filled Ravioli including 1 oz and 100 g Calorie breakdown 20 fat 64 carbs 16 protein There are 260 calories in 5 ravioli 154 g of Celentano Cheese Ravioli Get full nutrition facts for other Celentano products and all your other favorite brands
More picture related to Cheese Ravioli Nutrition Information
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Olive Garden Cheese Raviolis contain between 780 860 calories depending on your choice of option The option with the fewest calories is the Cheese Ravioli w Marinara Sauce 780 calories while the Cheese Ravioli w Meat Sauce contains the most calories 860 calories Ravioli nutrition 100 grams Richest in Vitamin A 207IU 4 of DV Sodium 306mg 13 of DV Glycemic Index 39 Calories 77 Net carbs 12 34 Protein 2 48 Source USDA
Nutrition Facts for Round Cheese Ravioli View calories protein carbs fats vitamins minerals and more View calories net carbs added sugars sodium protein total carbohydrates fats vitamins minerals and more
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Frozen Mini Cheese Ravioli Whisk,g_auto,c_fill,q_60,f_auto,h_630,w_1200/v1567629110/custom_upload/60d3cfbe51223d3b4ba2dc05c42b5ee9.jpg › calories-nutrition › ...
There are 285 calories in 1 cup of Cheese Filled Ravioli Calorie breakdown 34 fat 46 carbs 19 protein › calories
9 pieces of cheese ravioli Kroger contains 280 Calories The macronutrient breakdown is 55 carbs 28 fat and 17 protein This is a good source of protein 21 of your Daily Value and calcium 15 of your Daily Value Amount Unit

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Cheese Ravioli Nutrition Information - Calorie breakdown 20 fat 64 carbs 16 protein There are 260 calories in 5 ravioli 154 g of Celentano Cheese Ravioli Get full nutrition facts for other Celentano products and all your other favorite brands